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張子君 直播試玩DeepSeek!審查能力最強大?| CIA支持新冠病毒由實驗室泄漏|
本貼文共有 2 個回覆
作為一個記者, 咪就應該去追查下邊個講大話?
1) Scale AI's CEO Alexandr Wang disclosed that DeepSeek holds over 50,000 NVIDIA H100 chips
2) DEEPSEEK 不用 CUDA 語言, 直接 Assembly.
暫時睇 1) 冇有力證據.
1) https://www.livemint.com/ai/artificial-intelligence/scale-ai-ceo-alexandr-wang-claims-deepseek-hides-50-000-nvidia-h100-chips-stockpile-elon-musk-reacts-11738062626511.html
2) https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=42859909
1) Scale AI's CEO Alexandr Wang disclosed that DeepSeek holds over 50,000 NVIDIA H100 chips
2) DEEPSEEK 不用 CUDA 語言, 直接 Assembly.
暫時睇 1) 冇有力證據.
1) https://www.livemint.com/ai/artificial-intelligence/scale-ai-ceo-alexandr-wang-claims-deepseek-hides-50-000-nvidia-h100-chips-stockpile-elon-musk-reacts-11738062626511.html
2) https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=42859909
係咪個 CUDA 翻譯器廢得咁緊要, 人地改一改可以快10倍? 係就真係有乜好講.
如果係拎人地的結果再老翻(distillation), 即係又係似太陽能電筒咁, 又係抄.
上面最叻做老翻, 冚平野係人都知. 唔奇.
暫時睇就係兩邊講大話的可能性都幾高. 咪又係錢.
如果係拎人地的結果再老翻(distillation), 即係又係似太陽能電筒咁, 又係抄.
上面最叻做老翻, 冚平野係人都知. 唔奇.
暫時睇就係兩邊講大話的可能性都幾高. 咪又係錢.

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