家人關於Simon Cheng 失蹤情況的聲明
1. Simon Cheng 於2019年8月8日上午從香港前往深圳公幹,晚上從深圳搭乘高鐵回港,於約晚上10時許以WhatsApp 及微信告知女友正在過關,其後失去聯絡。

Simon Cheng travelled from Hong Kong to Shenzhen in the morning of 8 August 2019 for a business trip. He travelled back to Hong Kong by high speed rail on the evening of the same day, and sent messages to his girlfriend via WhatsApp and Wechat while he was about to pass custom at about 10 pm. We lost contact with him since then.

2. 家人於 8月9日 曾向警方及入境處求助,僅被告知可自行回內地報案。入境處與駐粵辦聯繫後,於8月10日口頭告知家人Simon被行政拘留,但稱無法得悉拘留原因、場所和期限。

We have sought assistance from the Hong Kong Police and the Immigration Department on 9 August, and were only told that we could travel to mainland China ourselves to report a missing case to the Public Security there. On 10 August, the Immigration Department, after getting in touch with the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office in Guangdong, told us verbally that Simon has been administratively detained, but said that they could obtain no information on why, where and for how long he was to be detained.

3. 家人至今未有收到內地有關部門的行政拘留通知書;根據相關法例,該通知書理應於Simon被扣押24小時內發出。家人亦從未收過任何文件確認Simon 是被當局正式拘留。

Till now, we have not received any Notice of Administrative Detention, supposed to be sent out within 24 hours of a person's detention. We simply have never received any documentation confirming that Simon has been formally detained by the authorities.

4. Simon 受僱於英國領事館,家人於8月9日向英國領事館求助,而領事館亦表達高度重視,會嘗試瞭解情況,但一直無法得知更多的資訊。

Simon is an employee of the British Consulate. We have sought assistance from the British Consulate on 9 August. The Consulate expressed their utmost concern and said that they would try to obtain further information, but to date no further information has been obtained.

5. 經律師查證,該案為深圳市公安局負責,但至今仍未能查知Simon 被關押於何處,亦未能會見律師。深圳市拘留所、寶安區拘留所、南山區拘留所都沒有Simon 的影子。廣洲及深圳的兩家派出所,以及廣州鐵路公安局均稱不知道Simon 的下落。

Lawyer have since then confirmed that Simon's case is being handled by the Shenzhen Municipal Public Security Bureau, but has been unable to ascertain his whereabouts. He could not be found at Shenzhen Municipal Detention Centre, Baoan District Detention Centre, nor Nanshan District Detention Centre. Police stations in Shenzhen and Guangzhou, and the Guangzhou Railway Public Security Bureau also have no information on his whereabouts.

6. 家人感到非常無助,很擔心Simon的安危,很希望Simon能早日回港。

We feel very helpless, and are worried sick about Simon. We hope that Simon can return to Hong Kong as soon as possible.

Simon 家人

Simon's family
21 Aug 2019
2019/08/21, 1:17:18 下午
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