幫手評ielts please!!!
In some countries the average weight of people is increasing and their levels of health and fitness are decreasing. What do you think are the causes of these problems ad what measures could be taken to solve them.

In modern ages, most of us are fascinated in technology and delicious cuisine in daily living. We overwhelmed by these marvelous things and therefore our health and fitness was worsen.

For instance, technology as smart phone, computer and gaming console can provide all-round functions for our daily living, like entertainment, learning and working, so some people start to rely on technology and not to participate in outdoor activities; Thus, our fitness level begin to decline in the past decades. On the other hand, people are having poor diet due to the convenience and Attractive taste of fast food, snacks and soft drinks. To keep up the fast pace in some countries like Hong Kong, some workers would choose fast food for their diet ,as McDonalds and KFC, since it provide convenience and reasonable price, but they are forgetting the drawbacks as these food contain high portion of sugar, oil and fat. As a result, their health is worsening.

To tackle these problems, government is a vital role for promoting exercising and healthy diet to the public. For example, government can held some events of exercise as Marathon, Cross-harbour swimming competition , for they can promote a healthy lifestyle. Besides, Government can also educate the public for healthy diet through Media, school and internet, so people can be more aware to their health.

Exercising and having a healthy diet are both crucial for people to have a pleasant lifestyle, so we should exercise in a regular basis and have a balance diet. Through the support of the government, the society must recall the importance of their health in the future.(271 words)
2018/01/02, 5:42:20 下午
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